Sunday, January 26, 2020
Hofstedes Cultural Theory Business Essay
Hofstedes Cultural Theory Business Essay Multinational companies are faced with the challenge of developing their operations in a constantly changing environment. In this way they are placed in the necessity of expanding their businesses in foreign countries which brings several implications. In organizational terms this means that the companies, in order to be successful, will have to go through a deep analysis to determine what their capabilities and weak areas are. But not only this provide the outcome on whether to expand their business or not, this will be just the first stage of a very long journey of understanding the processes that create value and how the company integrates these processes in order to succeed in a foreign market. The main motive of multinational companies to expand in the foreign markets is to avoid the saturation point or to increase the product life cycle. Any company which tends to globalize or internationalize, has to move into a foreign market and make a set up in that country. Today when the world is getting smaller and all the nations are getting close to each other it is very important for every growing organization to eye the foreign markets and increase its exporting and importing capabilities. But problems occur when these multinational firms start operating in different countries and are surrounded by number of issues which create obstacles in their progress. Then let it be the government rules and regulations, the culture of that country or the working environment. Different countries have different approaches towards the business world and companies should study intensively about the infrastructure of a country before entering that market. Especially some nations like India or Pakistan are highly culturally influenced, so there has to be a wise policy before making a move. Different markets have different demand in terms of rules, culture and environment. When companies go global, the governing personals have to be very adaptable in order to cooperate well with the native people or the native market. Mostly multinational companies consider it to be the most crucial step which leads them to study the culture of the country so that they deploy suitable products and well trained personals. Companies set up research and development offices in these markets initially before entering those countries or markets to study the market and the demand and most important the culture of the culture of the people there. Example: Wal-Mart, the giant retailer wants to enter the emerging countries; India is one of the biggest consumer based emerging markets of the world, Wal-Mart has set up research and development offices in Bangalore, India. So they are studying the working environment and the culture of the market in India so as to make a perfect entry strategy. IKEA, a giant furniture retailer has a keen eye on entering the Indian market but has failed as the there is a restriction on the foreign direct investment in India, it only allows a 51% ownership but IKEA wants a 100% ownership, so there are hindrances for IKEA. Different markets and countries have different approaches. When companies intend to expand their operations into a broader scale many difficulties arise, not only because this can be caused by a badly planned entry strategy but also in terms of integration of their internal systems that the company has in order to function adequately and moreover to get well with all together a different culture, people and their taste and demands. The complexities of the issues faced by the companies need to be addressed so that the impact within the organisation is minimised. However the organisations need to be sensitive with their environment in a way that their strategic behaviour finds a harmonizing point between the local and the international environment and the organisation itself. The particular issues between the cross cultural management and personal administration is that is has been building up on its importance since multinational companies are bound to face different issues as they operate in foreign markets. LITERATURE REVIEW: Organizations function diversely in different countries. They prepare policies for every country in which they plan to expand their business. IHRM (international human resource management) should be strong enough in order to help organization in achieving success on alien land. IHRM have to gather and understand cultural information on broader perspective because foreign norm are different from ones own. In terms of cultural analysis, there are two main studies that can be referred as relevant in knowing culture environment of other country. First is Hofstede (2001) tells about the cultural differences through a deep evaluation of social and cultural dimensions. The focus on the social aspects considers valuable information on various topics, such as Collectivism and Individualism considering the data collected from all countries. In the same way this study is also oriented in an international dimension to evaluate the cultural aspects that might have an impact on the organization an d its well-functioning. On the other hand the study of Trompenaars et al (1997) focuses not only on a much descriptive analysis of what are the cultural elements in societies but also links these cultural aspects to the business environments providing awareness on how to deal with inter cultural communication in business relation. HOFSTEDES CULTURAL THEORY: Undoubtedly, the most significant cross-cultural study of work -related values is the one carried out by Hofstedes- Bhagat and Mcquaid (1982). 3 October 1928, Gerard Hendrik Hofstede was born. He was a student of national and organizational cultures. He was an author of many cultural books. Hofstede effort commenced in 1980 ,which was a great success because his research introduced when there was less internationalization among nations due to problem of understanding culture differences. His research had 116,000 questionnaires taken by 60,000 people around 50 nations. From his research he provided four dimensions (Power Distance, Individualism/Collectivism, Uncertainty Avoidance and Masculinity/Femininity) .Fifth dimension (Long/Short term orientation) was added after a strong study by Hofstede and Bond (Hofstede 1991b; Hofstede and Bond 1984; Hofstede and Bond 1988). HOFSTEDES FIVE CULTURAL DIMENSIONS: a) POWER DISTANCE INDEX (PDI): PD can be defined as a difference between nations on the bases of hierarchy and relationships. Nations who are falling high on power distance scale follow hierarchy way in there organization. Staff has to wait for a green signal from their officials. Parity is not found in hierarchical countries. There is a large distance between the poor and the wealthy people. Inequality of power distribution leads to exploitation at times in these nations. Students give respect to teachers even after school hours. While, nations with low power distance believes in equality .Relationships and working in a team is significant for them. Powerful people try to be friendly with others .They dont misuse there power. High Power Distance Low MAL ARA MEX IND FRA ITA JPN SPA ARG US GER UK DEN ISR AUT b) INDIVIDUALISM (IDV): In this dimension individualism is opposite to collectivism. Nations having individualistic traits look after their immediate family. They believe in I have done this. On the collectivist said people maintain relationship with extended family as well. We have done this is their trait. In collectivist people give importance to group achievements and group rights. Unlike collectivist, in individualistic countries people need privacy and time is precious to them. Collectivist love to work in a harmony. Individualism Collectivism AUL US UK CAN FRA GER SPA JPN MEX ITA KOR SIN c) MASCULINITY (MAS): Countries that are more masculine are task oriented and they look for result. While countries with low masculine are more affectionate and male/female is at par level .Discrimination is nil in these countries while in masculine, male dominates all over. MAS countries are more competitive in comparison to countries with low MAS. Unlike femininity (small and slow), masculine countries look for fast and big achievements. Masculine traits are success, individual achievement, competition, material love and power. Masculinity Femininity JPN MEX GER UK US ARA FRA KOR POR CHC DEN SWE d) UNCERTAINTY AVOIDANCE INDEX (UAI): In this dimensions countries differ on the basis of facing threat or avoidance of facing threats. Countries falling strongly on uncertainty avoidance are threatened to face unexpected situations, so they try to avoid it by applying certain rules and regulations. To them surprising situation is dangerous .They adopt formal rules and simple procedures. Countries falling in this dimension are countries with an old history .New innovative suggestion and principals are difficult to be applied in this group. Low uncertainty avoidance nations welcome different (ambiguous) situations because they love to take risky steps .Unwanted situations is exciting for them. Informal rules are adopted all over. Basically countries in these dimensions are young and ready to face risk and innovations are looked by them. High Uncertainty Avoidance Low GRE JPN FRA KOR ARA GER AUL CAN US UK IND DEN SIN e) LONG / SHORT TERM ORIENTATION (LTO): Nations with long orientation look for their future goal. Success of tomorrow is important to them. You are never a loser until you quit trying, is their trait. They believe in vigorous growth and hard work. A Respect for the status is duly given and they have a sense of shame. While, short term nations have a respect to traditions and national pride. Stabilization is their trait. They aim for quick outcome (result). Future is not kept in mind. Status doesnt carry any value in their group. They keep their reputation good, avoid being disapproved. Long Term Orientation Short Term CHI HK JPN TAI VIE BRA IND US CAN UK E/W AFR TROMPENAARS AND HAMPDEN TURNERS CULTURAL THEORY: History: Fons Trompenaar is an author of cross cultural communication and he is a Dutch. His writing includes many books on culture while Charles Hampden turner is a British philosopher in management field. Along with Trompenaar, Hampden created a dimension which shed light on people of different environments and how they behave and interact in their daily life. TROMPENAARS AND HAMPDEN SEVEN CULTURAL DIMENSIONS: a) UNIVERSALISM vs. PARTICULARISM: This dimension emphasize on rules and relationships. In universalism, rules given significance and they applied on everyone. Every individual follow rules and contracts. Rules are meant to tell the truth. While particularism is give importance to relationships .Deals are made on friendships .They believe in flexibility on agreements. And they closely examine the situation to know the truth. PARTICULARISTIC UNIVERSALISTIC PARTICULARISTIC 1. Singapore 2. Spain 3. Japan 4. France UNIVERSALISTIC 1. US 2. Germany 3. Sweden 4. UK Figure: Shows countries falling in universalistic and particularistic dimension Application: In universal society people follow rules and regulations like in US every personnel follow traffic lights to make them feel people are at par level while in particularistic, people break traffic signal as well due to brotherhood. b) INDIVIDUALISM vs. COLLECTIVISM: Individualistic nations love being recognised single. They believe in word I. Group doesnt matter them .Privacy is what they need .They love to work independently .Self benefit is what they look for. Their relationship with others is negligible. While collectivism, believes in teamwork. They believe in we. They are attached to their colleagues, family members and friends. Interdependence is found in them. Benefit of group they practice. INDIVIDUALISM COLLECTIVISM COLLECTIVISM 1. Japan 2. Italy 3. Mexico 4. INDIVIDUALISM 1. US 2. UK 3. Australia 4. Canada Figure: Shows countries falling in individualism and collectivism dimensions. c) NEUTRAL vs. AFFECTIVE RELATIONSHIPS: Neutral groups keep their emotions inside and they dont reveal what they thinking. Revelation of their emotions leads to tension on their face. They remain reserved and cool .Sometimes their emotions explode out. Affective people on the other hand are very much emotional. They reveal their emotions by verbal and non-verbal way. They remain transparent. Anger, happiness is clear visible. They react to the situation there only. AFFECTIVE NEUTRAL NEUTRAL 1. Japan 2. UK 3. Germany 4. Sweden AFFECTIVE 1. China 2. Italy 3. Spain 4. France Figure: Shows countries with neutral and affective cultures d) SPECIFIC vs. DIFFUSE RELATIONSHIPS: People falling in specific dimensions keep their personal and work life away .Their private life is private and when socials then they are open. They look for direct communication. In diffuse, people private lives have number of people in it. There is no difference between private and work life. Common person is needed In between stranger and manager for an introduction in order to do a business. SPECIFIC DIFFUSE SPECIFIC 1. France 2. US 3. UK 4. DIFFUSE 1. China 2. Russia 3. Spain 4. Japan Figure: Shows countries of specific and diffuse traits e) ACHIEVEMENT vs. ASCRIPTION: In achievement, accomplishments are made in order to gain status. Seniors head in office are given respect throughout due to the knowledge and experience they have. Status change according to time as person accomplish more and more. In a culture with ascribed status, people given title based on their gender, birth and wealth. They have not given according to their accomplishment. ASCRIPTION ACHIEVEMENT ASCRIPTION 1. China 2. Russia 3. Spain 4. Japan ACHIEVEMENT 1. US 2. Germany 3. Mexico 4. Figure: Shows countries having achievement and ascription culture. f) TIME ORIENTATION (PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE): In past culture nations, people give value to their traditions or history. They talk about their family tree, its origin, and talk about history. People of the nations are asked to recreate golden age .In present culture, people believe in present moment. Enjoyment and activities are planned for the moment. Present relationship is important. Contemporary impact and style is what they practice. Future culture nations look for future goal. People plan for future achievements and aspirations. They have an interest in youth and in future. PAST PRESENT FUTURE PAST FUTURE PRESENT Figure: Shows countries of past, present and future culture g) INNER DIRECTED vs. OUTER DIRECTED: In inner directed nations people believe that nature can be controlled by humans. If rightly worked and made an effort then humans can dominate nature. In contrast to inner directed, people in outer directed culture believes that nature is above everything and humans are one force of nature ,so they should live in harmony and adapt to the external environment. OUTER INNER OUTER INNER Figure: Shows countries falling in inner and outer cultural traits. PROS AND CONS OF THE THEORIES: HOFSTEDE: PROS: Hofstedes model helped people in day to day life. Making them understand about different culture. Hofstedes model helped organisation, to expand their business on an international level without facing any cultural hindrances. Example: examines difference in attitudes and behaviour (Alden, Hoyer, and Lee 1993), used in advertising (McCarty and hattwick 1992; Gregory and Munch 1997; Zandpour et al .1994), international brand strategies (Roth 1995).While for some Hofstedes model is rigorous and relevant because the time it was made there was little approach in culture and businesses on international was very low (Sondergaard 1994, 448,449) .Hofstedes model triggered people to globalise. CONS: In spite of being successful, Hofstede also faced numerous criticisms from all over. Some finger out over relevance of the model. Researchers said this it is not accurate. While most says that Hofstedes model did not paid attention on community .According to Hofstede all domestic nations have homogenous society. But some countries are group of ethnic units (Nasif et al 1991, 82; Redpath 1997, 336).While as per McSweeney, 2000, says, Analysing through nations is not proper because it is not necessary bounded by border .Some says it is out dated while other says four dimensions did not give sufficient information. TROMPENAAR: PROS: Trompenaars and hampden-turners model gave a tool to staff who works on international assignments and projects .Easy to understand culture of the other country is made easy by them which led others to understand cross-cultures. Their research showed that way of doing business is different among all the countries. CONS: Their research failed to recognise the personal characteristics on behaviour and forget to provide recommendations. As per other authors, the border is diminishing and world should be seen as a single unit . HOFSTEDE AND TROMPENAAR-HAMPDEN TURNERS THEORY: CORRELATION Hofstedes and Trompenaars -Hampdens individualism and collectivism are identical in orientation. In Trompenaars model, how and where status is given importance and where people look for team work shows link to Hofstedes power distance dimension but not wholly because Hofstedes power distance cover other issues as well .Trompenaars universalism /particularism can be taken as Hofstedes uncertainty avoidance and collectivist/individualistic dimension because in these dimension they discussed about how nations differ in giving preference to rules than relationships. Even researches done with the help of Hofstedes and Trompenaars-Hampdens model showed similarity in their result .Example: Japan and India is collectivist they lie low in individualism index while UK, US are entirely individualistic countries. CONTRARY Contrast between Hofstedes and Trompenaars can be seen in there result of research. Example: Unlike in Hofstedes model, Mexico and Spain are individualistic according to Trompenaars model. Germany has hierarchical culture according to Trompenaars dimension while Hofstedes says its low in power distance. Hofstedes has four dimensions to explain culture differences, while Trompenaars and Hampden have extra dimensions. Hofstedes results becoming out of date.1960s -1970s results are not the same for today because culture change over time. According to James Cambridge, Hofstedes reach is more on analysis, but restricted as well while Trompenaars and Hampden Turner are broader in their approach. Hofstedes measures on the variables of cultures, while Trompenaars involved in a method for cultural creation. Trompenaars and Hampden Turner (1997),all cultures face the similar problems but they are contrary in there solutions which led to excel the opposites.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Origins and Causes of the Cold War
ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â- Why the iron curtain descended: origins and causes of the cold war ROHAN SINGH SEPTEMBER 2012 Name of University: The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences Subject:Political Science Date of Submission:1st October, 2012. ââ¬Å"Why the Iron curtain descendedâ⬠: A study into the origins and causes of the cold war INTRODUCTION On April 16, 1947, Bernard Baruch, former advisor to former U. S.Presidents, Harry Truman and Woodrow Wilson came up with the term ââ¬ËCold Warââ¬â¢ to describe the breakdown in relations between the two superpowers at the time-the United States of America and the Soviet Union. Historian Walter Lippman, his friend used it in the New York herald Tribune-which marked itââ¬â¢s introduction in popular media. This mutual antagonism between the two nations manifested itself, not in all-out war but in attacks thro ugh economic sanctions, proxy wars, the building of alliances propaganda warfare, enmeshed in an overarching principle of non-cooperation.In this context, before delving into the causes, which this essay seeks to do, it is imperative to note that the fact that the two superpowers fought on the same side during World War II was nothing but a ââ¬Ëmarriage of convenience,ââ¬â¢ where they were united against the common enemy rather than on grounds of a common cause. The suspicions, ensuing due to the differences in ideology and motives on the global scale had not been occluded by any means, merely erased for the time being. ââ¬ËTHE BREAKDOWN OF ââ¬ËTHE MARRIAGE OF CONVENIENCEââ¬â¢To fully understand the origins of the Cold War and the breakdown in relations,it is necessary for us to consider the Yalta, Potsdam and Tehran conferences that occurred towards the dying stages of the Second World War. The Tehran Conference held in 1943 was attended by Roosevelt, Churchill and S talin and even though, the leaders went to Tehran with different goals in mind, the quintessential objective, which was to open a second front against Germany, was achieved. The ââ¬Ëbig threeââ¬â¢ met again in Yalta in February, 1945.Relations again seemed cordial and the three leaders agreed on various key points, such as the formation of the United Nations, punishment of the Nazi war criminals, the division of Germany and Berlin into four zones, the holding of free elections in Eastern Europe. Yet, there were perilous signs foreshadowing the origin of the Cold War as the three disagreed about what was to be done about Poland. Stalinââ¬â¢s demand that the Soviet Union should be given all land east of the Oder-Neisse Line was not taken too favorably by the other two leaders.When they met at Potsdam again in July 1945, relations were not so amicable. Various changes had taken place in the international stage since Yalta. Firstly, the Soviet Unionââ¬â¢s Red Army had taken control of the Baltic States under the pretext of liberating them. Secondly, both the United States and Great Britain had different leaders representing them. Attlee replaced Churchill and Truman replaced Roosevelt. Both the new leaders were far more suspicious of Stalin and his ââ¬Ëred agendaââ¬â¢ than their predecessors had been. Fourthly, the Americans had already tested an atom bomb on July 16, 1945.While Stalin was informed of this development at the conference, the motive behind the Manhatten Project was a manifestation of the suspicion the leaders harbored towards the Communist as they wanted to ensure that Japan was invaded by them and not the Soviet Union. Truman also disagreed with Stalinââ¬â¢s request for a ââ¬ËSoviet sphere of influenceââ¬â¢ and kept on pressing for free elections in the liberated states of Eastern Europe, which Stalin objected to on grounds of Soviet security. The expansion of the USSR east of the Oder-Neisse line in Poland remained a top ic of dispute.The setting up of a government in Poland that recognized all three powers, termed as a ââ¬ËProvisional Government of National Unityââ¬â¢ (also known as the Lublin Poles), which effectively rendered the Polish government in exile a thing of the past was another source of conflict. WHO WAS TO BLAME FOR THE COLD WAR? : USA, USSR OR SIMPLE IDEOLOGY? Now, we come to the three schools of thought on the origins of the Cold War. The traditionalists, led by the eminent historian George Kennan believe that the Stalin and USSR were to blame, owing to their agenda, which involved expanding Communism and establishing control over all the Eastern-European tates. In the 1960s and 1970s, Russian historians, who propounded the revisionist view believed that the United States were to blame for the war as the leaders had become paranoid about Communist aggression, whereas Stalinââ¬â¢s motives were purely defensive and the establishment of his ââ¬Ësphere of influenceââ¬â¢ i n Eastern Europe was justified on grounds that USSR had suffered grave economic losses during the war and it seemed prudent to ensure that neighboring states werenââ¬â¢t hostile.This view became more popular during the 1960s and 1970s as the inherent paranoia regarding both the external and internal Communist Threat, better known as ââ¬ËThe Red Scare,ââ¬â¢ propounded by the Senator Joseph McCarthysubsided in the United States and people become exceptionally critical of American foreign policywith the emergence of the Vietnam War. The third view, which is accepted by most historians across the globe, including this author is the post-revisionist view, which says that it would be unfair to blame the origin of the Cold War on any of the sides without placing equal blame on the other.Furthermore, to fully understand, the causes behind the Cold War, we need to consider a multitude of factors. Firstly, the World War II had a detrimental impact on the economies of both Britain and France and neither of them were the superpowers they had once been. Thus, the USA and the USSR were now the remaining superpowers, two superpowers, which had starkly different and almost contradictory ideologies on government and economics. The Soviet system of government was a Communist one based on the Marxist principles of equality and the welfare state, which involved central planning at the expense of individual freedom.On the other hand, the United States was a capitalist democracy, which espouses the ownership of private wealth, embedded in the pursuit of profits, at the expense of economic disparity. This also led to a breakdown in communication. Every act was construed by the other superpower to be a propaganda move to thwart the other. The Truman Doctrine, which vowed to provide military aid to European states from internal or external aggression and the Marshall Plan, largely responsible for the economic rebuilding of Europe were interpreted, perhaps rightly, by the Sovi et Union as means of spreading USAââ¬â¢s capitalist agenda.Stalin responded to the ââ¬Ëcapitalist expansionistââ¬â¢ agenda of the Marshall Plan by setting up the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) to economically aid the members of the Eastern Block. ââ¬ËACTION AND REACTION:COLD WAR CONFLICTS FROM 1945-1960 Each superpower wanted to spread their specific ideology and contain the otherââ¬â¢s, which resulted in a number of propaganda measures, alliancesand proxy wars. The first major cold war conflict was the Berlin blockade and airlift of 1948-49.Stalin cut of all transport links to West Berlin, which was under Allied Control, thus cutting of all food supplies to the city. Truman ordered an airlift with food supplies through B-52 bombers, thus ensuring that the population and autonomy of the zone were kept alive. In 1949, Stalin called of the blockade. The ââ¬Ëiron curtainââ¬â¢-which was a symbol of both ideological and physical division between Eas tern and Western Europe became permanent and the arms race started to pick up pace.The western nations were convinced of what a potential threat the Soviets could be, which prompted the USA to supplement its military deployment with political affiliations by signing the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in April, 1949, emphasizing the principle of collective self-defense. This, along with the rearmament of The Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany, which was in the Allied Zone) was met with the creation of the Warsaw Pact in 1955. The Soviets also set up a Communist Information Bureau (Cominform), which served as a forum that gathered all communist Eastern Bloc nations.Throughout the 1950s, both countries continued to build up their military arsenal- of both conventional and nuclear weapons. This form of action and reaction due to high levels of suspicion and hostility towards the other played a key role in laying the foundations of the Cold War that ensued. The final Cold War Conflict of the 1950s which laid down the foundation for the tension that would exist in a divided Europe for the next forty years was the Berlin Crisis, which ensued from 1958-61.In 1961, The Soviet Union constructed a wall between east and West Germany in the heart of Berlin. Khrushchev claimed that it was an attempt to curb the expansion of western influence of fascist attempting to influence the mindset of the people of East Germany through brainwashing and coercion. However, most historians believe that it was simply an attempt to curb the exodus of many immigrants (a number that has been pegged at 3. 5 million before the construction of The Wall) to West Germany, which was doing much better economically.Throughout the Cold War, the war was a physical representation of the divide across the iron curtain and an emblem of the conflicts that it represented. CONCLUSION: THE END OF THE COLD WAR AND THE BEGINNING OF A NEW WORLD ORDER The years 1945-1960 laid down the foundations for the period of international and diplomatic tensions that would ensue between the two superpowers. While, all-out- war- never broke out, the two countriesââ¬â¢ policies of containment and brinksmanship brought them close to it on many occasions, such as during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.Of course, the Cuban Missile crisis also helped in improving communication ties and kickstarted the process of arms limitation by the setting up of measures such as the Partial test ban treaty in 1963 and the Moscow-Washington ââ¬Ëhotline. ââ¬â¢ The period 1969-79 saw a thaw in relations between the two superpowers- a period known as ââ¬Ëdetenteââ¬â¢, which ended with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. The end of the Cold War, which was marked by the fall of the berlin Wall in 1989 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 led to a ââ¬Ënew worldââ¬â¢ order.In this new era, there has generally been a decrease in inter-state conflicts but other threats to intern ational piece such as conflicts of ethnicity, religion, militancy and terrorism are still rampant. Communal tensions in regions such as Sudan, Somalia and the Congo are latest epitomes of this form of conflict and to truly establish a framework of international piece it will be imperative for national governments, in conjunction with the United Nations to make addressing such issues a priority. BIBLIOGRAPHY Arthur Bliss Lane. I saw Poland betrayed: An American Ambassador Reports to the American People.Indianapolis: TheBobbs-Merrill Company, 1948. pp. 5. Church, George,â⬠Freedom! The Berlin Wall,â⬠Time. Available at: (Accessed 29th September,2012. ) Cleary,Helen and Edwards,Phil (2005),â⬠Fact File:Potsdam Conference. â⬠BBC Archives. Availableat: (Accessed 28th September 2012. ) Czechoslovakia: A Country Studyâ⬠, Glenn E. Curtis, ed. (Washington, D. C. : Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress, 1992. )Church, George,â⬠Freedom! The Berlin Wal l,â⬠Time. Available at: (Accessed 29th September,2012. ) Glass,Andrew (2010)ââ¬Å"Bernard baruch coins the term Cold War. â⬠Politico. Available at: < http://www. politico. com/news/stories/0410/35862. html > ( Accessed 26th September, 2010. ) Fried, Albert (1997). McCarthyism, The Great American Red Scare: A Documentary History. Oxford University Press. pp:10. Lowe,Norman (2005)Mastering Modern World History. 4th ed. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers. London. pp. 130. Scott,Lenn(2001)International history 1900-90. n Baylis, Jon and Smith, Steve (2001),The globalization of world politics:An introduction to international relations. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press. London. pp:55-63. Yilmaz,Muzaffer (2008),â⬠ââ¬â¢The New World Orderââ¬â¢:An outline of the Post Cold-War Era,â⬠Turkish Journal of International Relations. v. 7(4) Available at: http://www. alternativesjournal. net/volume7/Number4/myilmaz. pdf (Accessed 1st October,2012. ) ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â [ 2 ]. Glass,Andrew (2010)ââ¬Å"Bernard baruch coins the term Cold War. â⬠Politico( Accessed 26th September, 2010. [ 3 ]. Ibid [ 4 ]. Lowe,Norman (2005)Mastering Modern World History. 4thed.Palgrave Macmillan Publishers. London. pp. 122. [ 5 ]. Churchill, Winston Spencer (1951). The Second World War: Closing the Ring. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. pp. 642. [ 6 ]. Lowe,Norman (2005)Mastering Modern World History. 4th ed. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers. London. pp. 123. [ 7 ]. Ibid [ 8 ]. The elections were held during the Conference and Churchill was replaced midway through the Conference. SeeLowe,Norman (2005)Mastering Modern World History. 4th ed. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers. London. pp. 122. [ 9 ]. Cleary,Helen and Edwards,Phil (2005),â⬠Fact File:Potsdam Conference. â⬠BBC Archives (Accessed 28th September 2012) [ 10 ].Arthur Bliss Lane. I saw Poland betrayed: An America n Ambassador Reports to the American People. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, 1948. [ 11 ]. Supra note 5 [ 12 ]. ibid [ 13 ]. Fried, Albert (1997). McCarthyism, The Great American Red Scare: A Documentary History. Oxford University Press. [ 14 ]. Supra note 5 [ 15 ]. Scott,Lenn(2001)International history 1900-90. in Baylis, Jon and Smith, Steve (2001),The globalization of world politics:An introduction to international relations. 2nded. Oxford University Press. London. pp:55-63. [ 16 ]. ââ¬Å" Czechoslovakia: A Country Studyâ⬠, Glenn E. Curtis, ed. (Washington, D.C. : Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress, 1992. ) [ 17 ]. Lowe,Norman (2005)Mastering Modern World History. 4th ed. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers. London. pp. 130. [ 18 ]. Supra note 14 [ 19 ]. Lowe,Norman (2005)Mastering Modern World History. 4th ed. Palgrave Macmillan Publishers. London. pp. 130. [ 20 ]. Church, George,â⬠Freedom! The Berlin Wall,â⬠Time (Accessed 29th September 2012 ) [ 21 ]. Supra note 14 [ 22 ]. ibid [ 23 ]. Yilmaz,Muzaffer (2008),â⬠ââ¬â¢The New World Orderââ¬â¢:An outline of the Post Cold-War Era,â⬠Turkish Journal of International Relations. v. 7(4) (Accessed 1st October,2012)
Friday, January 10, 2020
All About Hardest Essay Topics
All About Hardest Essay Topics The Supreme Approach for Hardest Essay Topics You're now prepared to compose your very first research paper and you can't decide what things to write it on. Writing prompts are among the best tactics to create confident writers who take pleasure in the procedure. Research papers are somewhat more complex than the essays which you've written before. Presenting The Research Paper Research papers must be presented well to make the best effects. School should occur in the evenings. Students ought to be permitted to pray in school. School tests aren't powerful. Test scores reveal that the United States of america is educationally behind other developed nations in Europe and Asia. Training to compose essays on various topics is going to be the very best preparation to the exam. Deciding on your topic isn't that easy. Many topics are written about before. Research-based topics require students to assemble information till they write. College is for a high degree of study. Teachers play an important role for imparting the wisdom and skills just to be certain the students success. Students will discover that it's simpler to write about topics which they're interested in, and it'll make the researching process much simpler. They can write informational essays a number of ways. Once you comprehend the sort of essay, it's time to choose a topic. To choose which subject you're likely to discuss, it's essential to see the complete collection of good persuasive speech topics from the special area of study. When you choose a topic, you should answer the query and after that substantiate your response with three or more motivations as to why you think like that. When you have the topic, answer the question and after that support your answer with three or more explanations for why you believe it. Attempt to acquire a simplified model which provides some information regarding the scenario. Don't forget the kind of the question you're answering and don't begin introducing new topics simply to pad out your answer. Each style differs in two ways. So, the choice of the topic is most important. So you will know whether your topic can become a full paper. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's critical to at all times be critically contemplating the world around us. There are a few great topics to think about when picking a topic for your argumentative essay. The body of the essay can be broken into various sub-topics that are related to the major topic. It is extremely important to choose a great topic to be able to compose a good paper. It is crucial that you choose an intriguing topic because it is going to make it simple for you to compose your paper. The subject of a paper doesn't always necessarily must be interesting in the beginning, but it's your responsibility to make it so. Some schools in america are requiring that students volunteer for a number of hours each semester to assist on a community issue. Permit the professional academic writers help to your informative paper! The government is made to protect certain businesses that are in danger of submitting for bankruptcy. The student may give the particulars of the topics to the firm. Facts, Fiction and Hardest Essay Topics Every one of the ideas above will provide you with an opportunity to reveal your creative side and capacity to talk about your opinion. Select t he period of life which you think is best and compose an essay arguing why it's the very best time of life. There are just a few things that define whether an essay you're working on is going to be a good one. Remember that you may make funny argumentative essays if you do a few things. Facts, finally, will always win out against how folks are feeling at a specific moment. People in demand of case study research should rush to appreciate our assistance. Your topic is so important because you've got to make sure it is related to the class which you're taking unless it is for English class. A comprehensive paper has lots of important components. Suggest several ways students may work with each other to enhance the school spirit in your school. For example, they might write about the benefits of a vegan diet. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on distinct views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The United States A Growing Problem With Women - 1553 Words
The United States has a growing problem with women in the criminal justice system. There has been a dramatic increase of women since the 1980ââ¬â¢s. In addition, the increase of women has brought mothers into the equation. Pregnant mothers who are allowed to keep their newborn while incarcerated has been theorized to have many positive results. Including a higher chance of a positive reentry, allow bonding time between the mother and her child, and easing the pain of their incarceration. Laws vary from state to state, making it hard for parents in prison to get visitation time. The main focus will is that these rights should be given to all parents within the United States prison system. Granting mothers with newborns and other inmatesââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ ¦show more contentâ⬠¦In 2010 there was more than a million women in the criminal justice system, which has breads many problems within the criminal justice system. The rate women are incarcerated varies throughout the nation in each state. Nationally in 2010, 67 out of every 100,000 women were in prison. (Guerino, P., Harrison, P.M., Sabol, W. (2011). That being the average number for most states, but it has been found to higher in others. Guerino (2010) also found that in Oklahoma had incarcerated more women per capita in any other state with 130 out of 100,000 women in prison, with Maine having the lowest rate of any state incarceration at 21 out of 100,000. Including women that are in local jails, the number increases to 245,000 women that are now incarcerated. Indeed, the United States holds the first spot in leading the world in producing prisoners. Since there has been the increase of women in prison, brings the fact that some of these women are also mothers. In some cases these mothers are pregnant during the time of their incarceration. 1 in 25 women in state prisons and 1 in 33 federal prisons are pregnant when admitted to prison, Maruschak, L. (2008). There are laws in place that allow for the mothers to keep their new born for a period of time while she is incarcerated. Mothers that are incarcerated with children creates many negative effects on the children, their families, and even society. In a study by Anne
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